Recital for the Fondation Culture et Hôpital, under the patronage of Ministère de la Culture, Mairie de Paris & Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris. Maison des Grands Résistants de France, Boulogne Billancourt.

Colors and forms have had a great influence into my life. I always look at faces, silhouettes in a landscape, the public sitting in front of me in concert halls, shadows reflecting on stain-glasses, all as familiar as musical notes on a score I compose. The best companions I hold during a tour ? My charcoals, gouaches apart of special, tiny scissors brought back from Japan for my Art- Collages, and my camera of course. I use these mediums together accompanying sometimes live performances in hospitals, health care centres and orphanages to invite every one to embrace Art in a healing process, where the heart, body and spirit relax and calm down. Inviting each of us to a journey where we all unite in joy and unity.

Ariane Gray Hubert